Life isn't a bed of roses, emotions can turn dark in the blink of an eye, and art, real art, isn't about decoration, it's purpose is to reflect the experience of lives in this sometimes beautiful and awe inspiring, sometimes ugly and threatening existence that we all share as human beings. Simon Birch reacts to his world in an explosive way, the dichotomy of his work is the intangible division between violent expression and the awe of the spectacle, and as soon as one witnesses his work they recognise its quality, both technically and emotionally. His exhibitions envelop the viewer in a parade of colour, movement and figurative splendour, there's as much action on offer in his work as any Hollywood blockbuster, yet the intent behind his unique paintings is less about cause and effect as about the ambiguity of the moment in between

Simon Birch has many new works, Can't wait to show you - please email me at for more! Thanks a bunch! -Danielle (from